

Faculty supervisors in the GSAT program have an outstanding record of research supervision and preparation.  In addition, they have strong existing collaborations locally, nationally and internationally.  GSAT faculty supervisors hold academic positions within the faculties of Applied Sciences, Forestry, Land and Food Systems, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Science.

GSAT Faculty Responsibility:

The GSAT program is dependent upon faculty engagement in developing and delivering graduate training of the highest quality. As such, faculty appointments in the GSAT program are contingent on continued input by member faculty. In cases where faculty have not contributed to the program for 3 years, the steering committee may ask for a statement of renewal consisting of a CV and a <200 word statement of past and future plans for contributions to GSAT. This is an opportunity for the program to ensure faculty engagement and for faculty to opt-out of an unused affiliation.

Active GSAT faculty are expected to contribute to the program through at least one of these activities:

1.  Supervising GSAT graduate students

2.  Serving on supervisory committees for GSAT students

3.  Submitting rotation projects

4.  Serving on admissions, scholarships, or steering committees

5.  Teaching in GSAT502

Faculty not contributing as above will trigger a renewal request by the steering committee after 3 years.

GSAT Faculty Requests:  Please send updated CV and a small blurb about why you would be a good fit for the program to: sharonr@bcgsc.ca

GSAT Faculty are expected to participate in submitting rotation abstracts, teaching GSAT courses or participating on program committees on a regular basis to maintain their GSAT membership.

Chemical Biology

Computational Biology

Device and Instrumentation Development

Genomics and Proteomics

Systems Biology